Saturday 4 August 2012

Slappy Hooper!

Who is Slappy Hooper? Well, Slappy Hooper is the best sign painter in the world! I bet you are curious about what I am saying here. :p

Topic of yesterday ECS was "Enactment of Short Stories". The script of my group is "The Legend of Slappy Hooper". We were asked to take a particular role and read the script in front of the class and we were assessed on that. The main character, Slappy Hooper is the only guy in my group, Terry.  I always have fun to be in this group because we have different races of group members and even international students!

Although we were disappointed by the result, but the learning process is the most important, right? Cheer up! =D

So, it's time to continue practising my speech now. The public speaking is on Monday! 

Good night! =)

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