Sunday 13 May 2012

Mother's Day!

So today is Mother's day! I love my mummy very very very much! She is my dearest in this world! Don't forget my dad is y dearest too! :*) This morning my dad cooked breakfast for four of us, dad, mum, youngest bro and me. Yes, my eldest bro and sis are studying outside, they aren't at home for this special day. =( What did my dad cook? Well, he cooks 面粉茶果,again. Haha, dad actually cooks this "misn fen cha guo" every Sunday. The difference for today is, mum isn't helping him any. He cooks for us, washes all the plates and bowls, clean table, cut papaya and mangos for us, mum just sitting at the living room and read newspaper after she eats. I love Sunday because I feel warm from my family! I love them so much! And for dinner, we didn't book any table in any restaurant for this celebration. We just had a simple dinner. Dad brought us to Mentaksb, Princess Cafee for steaks and chops, too bad the Cafe was full! So we change to another Chinese restaurant, and it was full with people too! At last, we ate chicken rice at Sin Sek Kee. Haha, who asked mummy herself said no need to book at all last few days ago. =p Than, we went to Starmall, just for a short walk. Great Sunday and great Mother's Day 2012! It would be best if my eldest bro and sis are here with us too. =*)))) thanks mum, thanks dad, thanks my parents. I love you all! =D

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